if you are like me, you probably try to relax on Sundays and start preparing for the work week ahead. I’m retired, but that doesn’t mean life has slowed down around here at all. I keep myself busy babysitting my granddaughters a few days a week, cleaning, housework, errands and helping my husband out with farm chores. The new cooking journey we started this week is going to keep me pretty busy all by itself. My planner looks like I lead a hectic life, but looks can be deceiving. I’ve committed myself to several challenges for the new year, so mostly these are just little personal growth reminders of things I can try to do each day. I don’t make myself do them and don’t get upset or discouraged if I don’t get them done. It’s been so wet and cool around here that any farm chores for me have been very limited. Things will pick up soon as we get ready for spring. I’m ok with that though because these slower days give me more time to reflect and relax before everything gets super busy. I encourage you to challenge yourself to do Something to help others, show some kindness, and give of yourself at least one day this week. I hope you all have a relaxing day and a great week ahead. May God bless you all.